Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My last day in Colombia

It was on January 25 i was in home with my family preparing a party to be with my family before leave to the united states with my mom and two brothers, some members of my family felt sad others happy because we had the opportunity to come to this country the one must of the people think is the best, but I, my mom and my two brother felt so confuse we dont know if felt happy or sad, nobody knows what we felt, the really think is that I felt sad I dont want to come here I was so happy in Colombia and more because my father who was living in other city went to my city Palmira to live there, he doesn`t know my brother and me will go to other country, but no matter nothing we have to come just for prove or anything but we have to.

The horrible moment of this part of my life was in the airport when my mom, my two brothers and me were ready to stard a new aventure in other country, we arrive to the airport three hours before the time of the flight said, in there were all my family from my mom, all that people with I be the must time of my years, the other part of my family don`t be there how i said before they don`t know about my trip why? I exactly dont know but I think it was because my mom had a problem with my dad, the think she doesnt know was that I felt so bad and the must thing I want is stay there but the life is the life and sometimes you could not change your destiny and more if you just are a child of 14 years old.

Now Im here 17 yeras old not happy not sad but trying to do all well to be the best and give the best to my family who is there and to my father who is waiting for my every year or each time I can go visit him working and studing waiting for my graduation that I hope it will be in january this is one of the most important moments in my life, I just want that happents to be so happy. I dont felt totally good because my father will not be here but I know he is thinking in me and also waiting for that, one of my dreams is be good my father in this country to show him all who Im, and what I do for him and my sisters because now I have two sisters.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Who is your role model

when i was a child I want my dad to be my role model, I like all what he do, i don`t know if be a drive truck was a good job but I like that I saw my father doing this and I enjoy it, must of the time i want to be with him helping he to do his job or when he was repairing the truck I always try to be there, to my mom it doesn`t like she said she don`t want me to do the same sometimes my father has problems with her because He took me in his trips when he went to other city or something like that she said it is dangerous to my but I don`t care, now when I became a little more adult i know that must of the driver trucks do this because they don`t study any carear or they don`t like study or something like that, i know my dad do this because he dont finish high school but Im proud of him because he is working he is doing something by his family, I like the truck I want to have someone someday but i don`t want to be a driver truck because is a hard job and dangerous so now I dont have a role model I just want to be who I want to be not looking to other person.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Comprehension Questions

1) Esperanza gives her mother many reasons for eating her lunch at school instead of going home but what is the real reason for wanting to eat in the canteen?

-The real reason that Esperanza has for wanting to eat in the canteen is because she doesn`t have a lot friends, and also if she goes home nobody is gone be there.

2)Describe the scene at sister superior`s office?

- The scene at sister superior`s office was funny because the letter says that Esperanza live too far away and the sister knew that she live like 4 block from there, she can see Esperanza`s house from her window.

3) why doesn`t Esperanza have any fun at the party at first?

-Esperanza doesn`t have fun at the party because she felts wear with the clothes his mother bought the pink and white striped dress and not just for that, her mother forget buy a new shoes and she went with the same shoes she goes to school, she felts so wear.

4) What do you think is the most exciting thing for her about that evening?

- I think the most exciting thing for Esperanza that evenig was the moment when his lier uncle says she is the prettiest girl in the party and dance with her.

5) According to the girl what are two things hips are good for?

- According with the girl it is the bones that let you know which skeleton was a man`s when it was a man and which a woman`s.

6) what are Rachel, Lucy, and Esperanza doing diferently from Nenny?

I think they are practicing diferent moves like dancing.

Baptism: the religious rite of sprinkling water onto a person's forehead or of immersion in water, symbolizing purification or regeneration and admission to the Christian Church.
Plump: having a full rounded shape
Velvety: a closely woven fabric of silk, cotton, or nylon, that has a thick short pile on one side.
Tavern: an establishment for the sale of beer and other drinks to be consumed on the premises, sometimes also serving food.
Hips: a projection of the pelvis and upper thigh bone on each side of the body in human beings and quadrupeds.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

comparison essay

My Mom is the best person in the world by myself, she is so nice she let me do watever I want but in the good way, she is like my best woman friend i can talk with her when I had problems, or something like that, i love her to much because she always by with me and my brothers, she give me advise about womans when i get jelous with my girlfriend, also I get jelous of her I don`t like when some mans look to my mom or said something to her I get mad and she talk to me to make me relax, my mom is so honestly. Alicia looks like a good girl she is so smart and studied, she wants to be a professional she doesn`t like to spend her time in a factory or behind a rolling pin like her mother.

My mom had some similarities with Alicia, my mom always prepared the lunch for my brother and also she did the breakfast for me and my brothers, alicia had to do the lunchbox for her father and for her brothers if she have, my mom said that she doesn`t want to spend her time cleaning, she wants to study and be a professional her dream is continue study her careear, Alicia also wants to be a professional that why she studied hard, she studies all the night

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I think my relation with my brother is so nice, we both in most of the cases think same or have the same opinion about some things, i had two brothers and two sisters but had a better relation with my big brother i don`t know if it is because we are bothers from the same father and mother or because we are the olders but our comunication is good, i talk to him all my staff when i had a problem or somthing like that when i need something, he is the same as me he talk to me we enjoy fun times, we both went to parties together etc sometimes we fight or had conflicts but we know that all days weren`t the same, i hope my relation with my brother will by so good in the future..........

Friday, October 17, 2008

My Name

The name Manuel is an incredibly popular name in the United States. It has been one of the top 200 most popular boy names since the Social Security Administration started keeping records in 1880. In 1881 Manuel bottomed out at #199, but 15 years later, in 1906, it reached its high point of #104. In 2007 it came in at #170. Also Americans aren’t the only people who like the name Manuel; it’s very popular in several other countries as well like.

In Austria, Manuel was the 29th most popular boy name in 2004, and the 28th in 2006.In Catalonia, it was #48 in 1996 and #73 in 2003. In Chile, from 1990 to 2006, it ranked between 19 and 40.In Germany, it came in at #95 in 2007. In Quebec, Canada, it was #188 in 2007. In South Australia, Manuel was at #537 in 1997 and #950 in 2004. In Spain, from 2002 to 2006, its low was 17 and its high 13. In Switzerland, it came in at #14 in 2003 and #38 in 2005 this name i so popular in so many countries.

Manuel has 2 variant forms, there are Manny, and Mannie and also had three Manuel’s name days those are march 26 in slovakia, june 17 with the catholic church and december 25 in France, According to the science of numerology, people with the name Manuel tend to be full with jobs, they’re artistic and imaginative. They’re enthusiastic, express themselves well, and have humanitarian instincts. They can also be moody, possessive, conceited and careless with their money. I like my name and i don`t want to change it, i think my moms put me that name because this comes from one generation to another one.