Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Adventages and Disadventages of a Computer

What are the advantages and disadvantaged of using a computer? computers can be good and bad and the same time, because they helps us in doing our homework or protects or communicating with people. However computers are bad too, because you can find staffs that are really bad for a child under 17. Also you could get addicted to it or check pages that are not appropriated for kids, because now you can find anything in the internet even who lives next to your house or information about someone. so that's why computers have advantages disadvantaged of using a computer.

In some cases computers can be the best invention in human life. for example how to communicate with other people that you haven't seen in a long time, also to send and e-mail to your boss or teacher or friends. some people need computers to do their work in which they need power point or Microsoft or other kind of programs for computers. Also kids use computers to paint or play video games made for computers.

These computers can be dangerous too because for some kids that play video games in it another window can pop out with something nasty, because some of internet pages have virus that can harm the computer and send all kind of nasty stuffs. Also there are people who use computers for something bad for example people who are sick with their minds can publish pictures of naked boys or girls, or or sometimes you noticed how all your information can be checked with a computer.

In conclusion we can see that computers have advantages and disadvantaged, and some can be useful and some can be dangerous. in my opinion computers had benn the best invention in human life, but some people use them in the wrong way.


Software and Games said...

yes i agree with u computer is good or

Software and Games said...

yes i ageer with u