Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cesar Chavez and Martin Luther King Jr

Cesar Chavez: He was a guy that didn`t go to much to the school. He finish his 8 grade and thats all, he couldn`t continue studied because he had to move from place to place with his family, they were very poor, he create an union for the farmworkers to make them life easier. Cesar was a farm worker, labor leader, and civil right activist.

Martin Luther King: He finish his school and also finish college, his family were a little rich, he had 4 children, he earned money in his job. he had a better life than Cesar chavez.

They both: they both used the nonviolence methods to get they want to get, they were a leaders fighters, they help a lot of people.

. just
. peaceful
. honest
. freedom labor
. humane
. selfless
. fighter
. determined
. rebellion
. responsible

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The poems

Tittle: I never said i was n`t difficult.
Theme: the speaker is very difficult to live with change meetly easily.
Speaker: a girl.
Figurative language: simile and metaphor.
Words phrases lines you liked: I`m sleeping out or bounds or i wont be cross examined

Tittle: Phizzog
Theme: satisfied what you got.
Speaker: a person.
Figurative language: metaphor
Words line you liked: This here phizzog some body hand or It to you on right.

Tittle: Eastern eskimo song.
Theme: she is proud how she looks.
Speaker: a girl.
Figurative language: Metaphor.
Words line you liked:Flat and well formed

Tittle: Old snake.
Theme:I think is about what happen in the life like all.
Speaker: the snake.
Figurative language: simile and personification.
Words line you liked: Wriggle free from i cant.

Tittle:The problems are not the end of our life.
Theme: The common problems of the life.
Speaker: me
Figurative language: metaphor
Words line you liked: wriggle free

The Poem " The problems are not the end of our lifes"

The problems are not the end of our lifes

Sometimes when you have problems,
you don`t want to accept them
because, maybe you don`t have the solution, or
you don`t want to accept the reality.

you felt bad and nothing makes happy
you must sit and think
think about other things, or simply
find the solution for them, but
try not to be stress et because
this will give you more problems
wriggle free from your problems like me,
i have alot of problems but if i think in them
i will die..

Leave those gray words to dry in the sand
and dare to show your brave self.