Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The poems

Tittle: I never said i was n`t difficult.
Theme: the speaker is very difficult to live with change meetly easily.
Speaker: a girl.
Figurative language: simile and metaphor.
Words phrases lines you liked: I`m sleeping out or bounds or i wont be cross examined

Tittle: Phizzog
Theme: satisfied what you got.
Speaker: a person.
Figurative language: metaphor
Words line you liked: This here phizzog some body hand or It to you on right.

Tittle: Eastern eskimo song.
Theme: she is proud how she looks.
Speaker: a girl.
Figurative language: Metaphor.
Words line you liked:Flat and well formed

Tittle: Old snake.
Theme:I think is about what happen in the life like all.
Speaker: the snake.
Figurative language: simile and personification.
Words line you liked: Wriggle free from i cant.

Tittle:The problems are not the end of our life.
Theme: The common problems of the life.
Speaker: me
Figurative language: metaphor
Words line you liked: wriggle free

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