Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Trapped by Fear

. Who is afraid to cross the Mackinac Bridge? How does this fear affect them?

Its hard to tell who will be afraid to cross the Mackinac bridge, sometimes It can be a man or woman, It can he a young person, or an older aldult, in some cases the truck drives had to tell someone to pass they rings cross the brigde because they can`t, anybody can be afraid, and this affect them because they make traffic in the street and maybe this can produce accidents or something like that.

. What are the results of a phobia?

The results of Phobia can be differents, some people felt afraid to toach water or some doesn`t like fly or stay in small spaces they felt panic, in some cases phobia produce to the people felt scared about things that they want to do.

. How can childhood events lead to phobias?

A child can lead phobia by something that happen in their life when they were childhood, when they become adults, they felt scared or afraid because they remember the past, for example. One woman terrified at the sound of running water because, she was trapped by water`s strong current, she coludn`t get out she had to stand along time there, water splashed down on her head, her aunt rescued , so she remember always this an felt bad, scared.

. How can people with phobias learn to live with them?

Some of them cann`t lived with that, so they go to the doctor and he in most of the cases recomend the people to try to do what they want, like fight with them phobia, for example when some people are afraid to the animals like a dog, cat or frog they tell the person try to touch it or others exercises. thats how some people can live with that.

. Many people have strong fears, called phobias, that greatly affect their lives. This is the main idea of the article. List at least five details that support this main idea.

This kind of senseless fear is called a phobia. People suffer from many kinds of phobias.
Some fear heights. Others dread entering wide-open places. Still others are afraid of being closed into small spaces. Many are afraid to fly in airplanes. A phobia is not simply a fear. A phobia is being afraid when there is really nothing to be afraid of. In some people, the fear is so strong they can't do the things they want to do.

. Would reading this article help someone with phobia? Explain.

I think this can help the people with phobia because this make then stronge to fight with that, they can saw that phobia can have a solution.

. The main idea: the mos important thing of this lecture is to show the people how can you have phobia to something and maybe you didnt know about it, and also show to you how you can fight with that, you can see in the lecture some of types of phobia that exist.

. Details: People suffer from many kinds of phobias. Some fear heights. Others dread entering wide-open places. Still others are afraid of being closed into small spaces. Many are afraid to fly in airplanes. Dirt and germs are some people's biggest fear. They don't want to touch anything, however clean, for fear of getting sick. Others are afraid of animals, like cats or snakes.

Causes AND Effects

1- People wanted to travel between two parts of Michigan, so a bridge was built.

Causes: Is that some of the people had phobia to past cross the bridge
Effect: this make traffic, and maybe can produce accidents.

2- When some people panic on the bridge, they freeze.

Cause: they felt afraid about highs
Effect: Traffic, accidents, problems between some people etc.

3- A driver comes to help when people stop their cars on the bridge.

Cause: The people cann`t pass the bridge because they stop their cars and cry so they come to help.
Effect: Help the people to cross the bridge and clean the street.

4- Sometimes people have bad experiences as children and they develop phobias.

Cause: They remember this and felt afraid to do somethings
Effect: They need help from the doctor.

5- Some people get rid of their phobias because they work bit by bit to get over their fear.

Cause: they want to fight with the phobia.
Effect: this make them happy

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