Monday, December 8, 2008

Who is your role model

when i was a child I want my dad to be my role model, I like all what he do, i don`t know if be a drive truck was a good job but I like that I saw my father doing this and I enjoy it, must of the time i want to be with him helping he to do his job or when he was repairing the truck I always try to be there, to my mom it doesn`t like she said she don`t want me to do the same sometimes my father has problems with her because He took me in his trips when he went to other city or something like that she said it is dangerous to my but I don`t care, now when I became a little more adult i know that must of the driver trucks do this because they don`t study any carear or they don`t like study or something like that, i know my dad do this because he dont finish high school but Im proud of him because he is working he is doing something by his family, I like the truck I want to have someone someday but i don`t want to be a driver truck because is a hard job and dangerous so now I dont have a role model I just want to be who I want to be not looking to other person.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Comprehension Questions

1) Esperanza gives her mother many reasons for eating her lunch at school instead of going home but what is the real reason for wanting to eat in the canteen?

-The real reason that Esperanza has for wanting to eat in the canteen is because she doesn`t have a lot friends, and also if she goes home nobody is gone be there.

2)Describe the scene at sister superior`s office?

- The scene at sister superior`s office was funny because the letter says that Esperanza live too far away and the sister knew that she live like 4 block from there, she can see Esperanza`s house from her window.

3) why doesn`t Esperanza have any fun at the party at first?

-Esperanza doesn`t have fun at the party because she felts wear with the clothes his mother bought the pink and white striped dress and not just for that, her mother forget buy a new shoes and she went with the same shoes she goes to school, she felts so wear.

4) What do you think is the most exciting thing for her about that evening?

- I think the most exciting thing for Esperanza that evenig was the moment when his lier uncle says she is the prettiest girl in the party and dance with her.

5) According to the girl what are two things hips are good for?

- According with the girl it is the bones that let you know which skeleton was a man`s when it was a man and which a woman`s.

6) what are Rachel, Lucy, and Esperanza doing diferently from Nenny?

I think they are practicing diferent moves like dancing.

Baptism: the religious rite of sprinkling water onto a person's forehead or of immersion in water, symbolizing purification or regeneration and admission to the Christian Church.
Plump: having a full rounded shape
Velvety: a closely woven fabric of silk, cotton, or nylon, that has a thick short pile on one side.
Tavern: an establishment for the sale of beer and other drinks to be consumed on the premises, sometimes also serving food.
Hips: a projection of the pelvis and upper thigh bone on each side of the body in human beings and quadrupeds.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

comparison essay

My Mom is the best person in the world by myself, she is so nice she let me do watever I want but in the good way, she is like my best woman friend i can talk with her when I had problems, or something like that, i love her to much because she always by with me and my brothers, she give me advise about womans when i get jelous with my girlfriend, also I get jelous of her I don`t like when some mans look to my mom or said something to her I get mad and she talk to me to make me relax, my mom is so honestly. Alicia looks like a good girl she is so smart and studied, she wants to be a professional she doesn`t like to spend her time in a factory or behind a rolling pin like her mother.

My mom had some similarities with Alicia, my mom always prepared the lunch for my brother and also she did the breakfast for me and my brothers, alicia had to do the lunchbox for her father and for her brothers if she have, my mom said that she doesn`t want to spend her time cleaning, she wants to study and be a professional her dream is continue study her careear, Alicia also wants to be a professional that why she studied hard, she studies all the night

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I think my relation with my brother is so nice, we both in most of the cases think same or have the same opinion about some things, i had two brothers and two sisters but had a better relation with my big brother i don`t know if it is because we are bothers from the same father and mother or because we are the olders but our comunication is good, i talk to him all my staff when i had a problem or somthing like that when i need something, he is the same as me he talk to me we enjoy fun times, we both went to parties together etc sometimes we fight or had conflicts but we know that all days weren`t the same, i hope my relation with my brother will by so good in the future..........

Friday, October 17, 2008

My Name

The name Manuel is an incredibly popular name in the United States. It has been one of the top 200 most popular boy names since the Social Security Administration started keeping records in 1880. In 1881 Manuel bottomed out at #199, but 15 years later, in 1906, it reached its high point of #104. In 2007 it came in at #170. Also Americans aren’t the only people who like the name Manuel; it’s very popular in several other countries as well like.

In Austria, Manuel was the 29th most popular boy name in 2004, and the 28th in 2006.In Catalonia, it was #48 in 1996 and #73 in 2003. In Chile, from 1990 to 2006, it ranked between 19 and 40.In Germany, it came in at #95 in 2007. In Quebec, Canada, it was #188 in 2007. In South Australia, Manuel was at #537 in 1997 and #950 in 2004. In Spain, from 2002 to 2006, its low was 17 and its high 13. In Switzerland, it came in at #14 in 2003 and #38 in 2005 this name i so popular in so many countries.

Manuel has 2 variant forms, there are Manny, and Mannie and also had three Manuel’s name days those are march 26 in slovakia, june 17 with the catholic church and december 25 in France, According to the science of numerology, people with the name Manuel tend to be full with jobs, they’re artistic and imaginative. They’re enthusiastic, express themselves well, and have humanitarian instincts. They can also be moody, possessive, conceited and careless with their money. I like my name and i don`t want to change it, i think my moms put me that name because this comes from one generation to another one.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Manuel Fique

The best soccer player in the world

Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite was born in April 22, 1982 in Brasilia. He is a soccer player, one of the best midfielder of the world, who plays for Italian Serie A in Ac Milan and also he plays for his country Brazil. At the age of 25 Kaka is the second soccer player that won the awards of Balon of Gold, and the FIFA World player of the year, Kaka is the nickname that he has for his famous life.

Kaka was born to Simone Cristina dos Santos Leite his mother and Bosco Izecson Pereira Leite his father, they both are from Brazil, He has a younger brother who is call Rodrigo who wants to be like his brother who stared to play soccer at the age of 7-8 when his family change of city they went to Sao Paulo he played in his school and won some championship, the team of Sao paulo saw him and gave to him a contract to played there for 5 years, he sufferd an swimming pool accident , he fractured his spinal but with the help of god he be good, thats why he constructed an church for the people of his city.

He played with Sao Paulo from 2001 to 2003 where he made totally 190 appearances, and scoring of 80 goals, them some people was looking him for play in a club of Italy, they offered him like 30 millions dollars, so he accept this and leave to play with Ac milan, also the selection of Brazil called him to play with them for his country, all his appearances with Brazil and Milan make him the best soccer player, in 2005 he won the ballon of gold and the FIFA best player in 2006, Kaka had an totally of 350 apperances with Brazil and AC Milan, with a scoring of 180 goals that give to him the honor of be the major player of the world.

About his personal life, he is married with Caroline Celico, Caroline is currently pregnant with their first child, a son. He is likely to be born between the end of june and beginning of july 2008. Kaka is so happy and he is waiting for his son to give him all his love and attention. Now in the present he continue playing with Milan and the selection of Brazil and is one of the best paying players.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Trapped by Fear

. Who is afraid to cross the Mackinac Bridge? How does this fear affect them?

Its hard to tell who will be afraid to cross the Mackinac bridge, sometimes It can be a man or woman, It can he a young person, or an older aldult, in some cases the truck drives had to tell someone to pass they rings cross the brigde because they can`t, anybody can be afraid, and this affect them because they make traffic in the street and maybe this can produce accidents or something like that.

. What are the results of a phobia?

The results of Phobia can be differents, some people felt afraid to toach water or some doesn`t like fly or stay in small spaces they felt panic, in some cases phobia produce to the people felt scared about things that they want to do.

. How can childhood events lead to phobias?

A child can lead phobia by something that happen in their life when they were childhood, when they become adults, they felt scared or afraid because they remember the past, for example. One woman terrified at the sound of running water because, she was trapped by water`s strong current, she coludn`t get out she had to stand along time there, water splashed down on her head, her aunt rescued , so she remember always this an felt bad, scared.

. How can people with phobias learn to live with them?

Some of them cann`t lived with that, so they go to the doctor and he in most of the cases recomend the people to try to do what they want, like fight with them phobia, for example when some people are afraid to the animals like a dog, cat or frog they tell the person try to touch it or others exercises. thats how some people can live with that.

. Many people have strong fears, called phobias, that greatly affect their lives. This is the main idea of the article. List at least five details that support this main idea.

This kind of senseless fear is called a phobia. People suffer from many kinds of phobias.
Some fear heights. Others dread entering wide-open places. Still others are afraid of being closed into small spaces. Many are afraid to fly in airplanes. A phobia is not simply a fear. A phobia is being afraid when there is really nothing to be afraid of. In some people, the fear is so strong they can't do the things they want to do.

. Would reading this article help someone with phobia? Explain.

I think this can help the people with phobia because this make then stronge to fight with that, they can saw that phobia can have a solution.

. The main idea: the mos important thing of this lecture is to show the people how can you have phobia to something and maybe you didnt know about it, and also show to you how you can fight with that, you can see in the lecture some of types of phobia that exist.

. Details: People suffer from many kinds of phobias. Some fear heights. Others dread entering wide-open places. Still others are afraid of being closed into small spaces. Many are afraid to fly in airplanes. Dirt and germs are some people's biggest fear. They don't want to touch anything, however clean, for fear of getting sick. Others are afraid of animals, like cats or snakes.

Causes AND Effects

1- People wanted to travel between two parts of Michigan, so a bridge was built.

Causes: Is that some of the people had phobia to past cross the bridge
Effect: this make traffic, and maybe can produce accidents.

2- When some people panic on the bridge, they freeze.

Cause: they felt afraid about highs
Effect: Traffic, accidents, problems between some people etc.

3- A driver comes to help when people stop their cars on the bridge.

Cause: The people cann`t pass the bridge because they stop their cars and cry so they come to help.
Effect: Help the people to cross the bridge and clean the street.

4- Sometimes people have bad experiences as children and they develop phobias.

Cause: They remember this and felt afraid to do somethings
Effect: They need help from the doctor.

5- Some people get rid of their phobias because they work bit by bit to get over their fear.

Cause: they want to fight with the phobia.
Effect: this make them happy

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cesar Chavez and Martin Luther King Jr

Cesar Chavez: He was a guy that didn`t go to much to the school. He finish his 8 grade and thats all, he couldn`t continue studied because he had to move from place to place with his family, they were very poor, he create an union for the farmworkers to make them life easier. Cesar was a farm worker, labor leader, and civil right activist.

Martin Luther King: He finish his school and also finish college, his family were a little rich, he had 4 children, he earned money in his job. he had a better life than Cesar chavez.

They both: they both used the nonviolence methods to get they want to get, they were a leaders fighters, they help a lot of people.

. just
. peaceful
. honest
. freedom labor
. humane
. selfless
. fighter
. determined
. rebellion
. responsible

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The poems

Tittle: I never said i was n`t difficult.
Theme: the speaker is very difficult to live with change meetly easily.
Speaker: a girl.
Figurative language: simile and metaphor.
Words phrases lines you liked: I`m sleeping out or bounds or i wont be cross examined

Tittle: Phizzog
Theme: satisfied what you got.
Speaker: a person.
Figurative language: metaphor
Words line you liked: This here phizzog some body hand or It to you on right.

Tittle: Eastern eskimo song.
Theme: she is proud how she looks.
Speaker: a girl.
Figurative language: Metaphor.
Words line you liked:Flat and well formed

Tittle: Old snake.
Theme:I think is about what happen in the life like all.
Speaker: the snake.
Figurative language: simile and personification.
Words line you liked: Wriggle free from i cant.

Tittle:The problems are not the end of our life.
Theme: The common problems of the life.
Speaker: me
Figurative language: metaphor
Words line you liked: wriggle free

The Poem " The problems are not the end of our lifes"

The problems are not the end of our lifes

Sometimes when you have problems,
you don`t want to accept them
because, maybe you don`t have the solution, or
you don`t want to accept the reality.

you felt bad and nothing makes happy
you must sit and think
think about other things, or simply
find the solution for them, but
try not to be stress et because
this will give you more problems
wriggle free from your problems like me,
i have alot of problems but if i think in them
i will die..

Leave those gray words to dry in the sand
and dare to show your brave self.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Manuel Fique

A) Vocabulary

1) There are many different writing form. The English language uses the Roman alphabet.

2) A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in problems of the skin.

3) The United States is divided into a fifty states.

4) In the past fifty years, the population of the world has increased rapidly.

5) Can I borrow your pen for just a minute?

6)It`s much easier to estimate wet snow into balls than to use dry snow.

7) In some countries, students refer to their professor by their first names.

8) Noam Chomsky, a professor at MIT, is one of the most famous linguists in the world.

9) a team of workers can build a car at a faster------ than people working alone.

10) The word diversity has nine characters

B) vocabulary

1) The best way to become meaningful is to live in a foreing country.

2)His friends began to worry about him when he said that there was no longer anything reference in his life.

3)If you want to study how people learn languages, you should take a specialist course.

4)Motorcyclist wear helmets to prevent past injury in an accident.

5) I don`t know the exact population of my city, but I estimate that there are about 2 million people.

6)My dentist said that I need to go a system to get my tooth fixed.

7) During the president`s speech, she made brain to an important new medical study.

8)The computer rate for the whole office was down for two days.

9)When you exercise, your heart characters goes up.

10) We had such a large class that the instructor had to divide it up into three groups.

C) vocabulary review

1) j hamrless a) negative
2 e instructor b) full
3) d once in a while c)certain
4) k lift d) often
5) c maybe e) student
6) i terrify f) request
7) b empty g) calm
8) a positive h)land
9) f demand i) fear
10) g take off j) hazardous
k) drop

E) Comprehension questions

1) What is the definition of a language?
The definition of a language is the type of idiom that the people talk according with them countries, for example the language of the people that live in France is French or Colombia spanish etc
2) What is a sign language?
Sign language is other type of comunicati0n but not talking this comunication is with signals like when the people can talk they talk by them hands.
3) In English, the basic order of words in a sentence is subject, verb, object. What is the basic order of words in your first language?
The basic order of words in my first language in a sentence is pronoum
4) What is an example of borrowed word?

5) What is an example of an invented word?

6) What is one difference between the Austronesian language family and the Indo- European language family?

7)why is it useful to group languages into families?

8) Should we try to keep languages alive? why or why not?

9) Why is it more difficult for adults than children to learn a second language?

F) Paraphrasing

1) Today in the world about 50% of the people speaks one of the top fifteen languages the most commont comes of Asia.

2)In the present the child`s learn new languages more easy than the adult people they make hard to learn.

3) There are about 150 American Indian languages spoken today. These languages have many differences among them and have been divided into more than fifty language family.

G) Main Idea

1) Write a sentence for the main idea for paragraph 4 ( lines 19-27)
2) Write a sentence for the main idea for paragraph 7 ( lines 46-51)

1)This paragraph is about the change that the people give to the languages of other countries, they try to speak like the people who born there.

2) This mean that this languages are the most important in the world are used more than the others like English.


1) The lecture on safe driving was very instructive.
2) Honesty is an important characteristic for someone working in a bank.
3) That mystery program was very unimaginative. I didn`t know how it was going to end until the last minute.
4)The telephone invent by Alexander Graham Bell.
5) The minister of Health didn`t like some of the questions that the interview asked him. He interviewer by a foreing journalist.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Willy has longer hair, on the other hand Miguel does not have a longer hair, but neither of them has the same age, like everything they have similarly and different, both Miguel and Willy are bad students, in the same way Miguel is as tall as Willy. Although they play soccer. It is the best. Miguel want to be a doctor, however Willy want to be a teacher. Willy is a hard worker like Miguel, they both work 12 hours a day. on the contrary they do different thing in the school.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Comparison and Contrast Essay of Two Houses

A house is a property that everybody has or will like to have. it is one of the important achievements in a person 's life. for almost everybody to acquire a house require of a hard work and a lot of sacrifices, however it continuing being the complement in order to have happy and comfortable life. in addition, if we talk about economical position, owning a house let you earn money excluding you to be paying a monthly rent. in this society it is very important if you have a family provide them a secure place to life; and any place is better that your home.

The house is something that everybody have, is one of the most important things that the people want and this make the people happy because when you are at home you are relax, nice etc and most of the people in the world, all people that be in any place want to have a house and work for that some people pay rent a house to live but they feel like home, the houses always are different the important thing is that you feel happy.

In my house we have three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom a living room, i think my house is a little large, i feel so happy in my house, i can do all that i want a nobody say something if i do a party or anything i do because this is not own house because we pay rent for live here and they have respect but at the same time we have respect the rules that the owner have however we don't have problems with anybody and we feel relax and comfortable maybe we can leave to other place but always we are going to feel like this only us house.

In comparison with others house i can say that all the house are different like the house of my best friend Cristian his house is small but have the same rooms, a small kitchen and a bathroom, but he live in a building and i live in a house, my house is so different than his house but on the other hand we feel happy because in my house and his house we share with us family and do whatever we want.

In conclusion i can say that the house is something that we love and make us happy, every house are different but they have one thing that is the same and is how you feel there, for my opinion i love my house where I `m living paying or not is my house , in a few years i want to have my own house.

Adventages and Disadventages of a Computer

What are the advantages and disadvantaged of using a computer? computers can be good and bad and the same time, because they helps us in doing our homework or protects or communicating with people. However computers are bad too, because you can find staffs that are really bad for a child under 17. Also you could get addicted to it or check pages that are not appropriated for kids, because now you can find anything in the internet even who lives next to your house or information about someone. so that's why computers have advantages disadvantaged of using a computer.

In some cases computers can be the best invention in human life. for example how to communicate with other people that you haven't seen in a long time, also to send and e-mail to your boss or teacher or friends. some people need computers to do their work in which they need power point or Microsoft or other kind of programs for computers. Also kids use computers to paint or play video games made for computers.

These computers can be dangerous too because for some kids that play video games in it another window can pop out with something nasty, because some of internet pages have virus that can harm the computer and send all kind of nasty stuffs. Also there are people who use computers for something bad for example people who are sick with their minds can publish pictures of naked boys or girls, or or sometimes you noticed how all your information can be checked with a computer.

In conclusion we can see that computers have advantages and disadvantaged, and some can be useful and some can be dangerous. in my opinion computers had benn the best invention in human life, but some people use them in the wrong way.